The State of Intolerance and Discrimination in South Africa

I co-wrote and co-researched this report on the state of intolerance and discrimination for the South African Department of Justice through the Foundation for Human Rights.

Katarzyna Zdunczyk, Zaid Kimmie, Chido Mahakata, Katherine Brown


March 1, 2022

This report was prepared to support the implementation plan for the National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Other Intolerances (NAP) adopted in 2019 in South Africa.

Our research looked into people in South Africa’s experience of racism, sexism, ableism and other types of discrimination and intolerance to assess the country’s progress (or lack thereof) in creating a better and more equal society.

Thank you to Chido Mahakata, Katarzyna Zdunczyk and Zaid Kimmie for co-researching and co-writing this with me - it’s always a privilege to work with you!

Grid photo by Julia Taubitz on Unsplash